MLS/Real Estate Disclaimer

MLS/Real Estate Disclaimer

Harkes Realty & Associates, LLC

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

Harkes Realty & Associates is committed to providing reliable and accurate real estate information. However, please note the following disclaimer regarding the use of our website:

No MLS Access or Affiliation

Harkes Realty & Associates’ website is not directly connected to or affiliated with any Multiple Listing Service (MLS). While we may provide general real estate information, including details about properties, we do not guarantee access to comprehensive MLS data.

Property Listings Disclaimer

Any property details displayed on this website, including price, availability, and specifications, are provided for informational purposes only and may not be comprehensive or up-to-date. For the most accurate and current information about a property, we recommend contacting our office directly or consulting the appropriate MLS or listing agent.

No Guarantee of Availability or Accuracy

Harkes Realty & Associates does not guarantee the availability, accuracy, or completeness of any real estate information displayed on this website. All information is subject to change without notice. Visitors are encouraged to verify all property details before making any decisions.

Third-Party Links and Tools

This website may include links to third-party real estate platforms or tools, which may provide access to property data, MLS-like features, or additional real estate information. Harkes Realty & Associates is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or functionality of third-party platforms. Please review their respective terms and policies.

Contact Us for Assistance

For additional information about real estate services, properties, or listings, please contact us directly at:

Harkes Realty & Associates
1450 Parkside Ave, Ste. 29, Ewing, NJ 08638
(609) 337-4200